Firstly, when Spanish people arrived, some Apache went to other territories which are now reserves in Arizona, Nuevo Méxicoand Oklahoma. Consequently, they created new strategies to continue existing as a tribe.
Secondly, Apaches were very careful with their families. They were very lovely. That’s the reason why they could give help and share with the other Apaches.
They had a goog familly init as a result of this they crested close link inside the tribe.
Finally, their survival is the result of their migrations and constant fights to live. Additionally, the love for their costumes supported their culture.
Mónica Romero
Changes in the clothing ( correction) CAUSE ANND EFFECT ESSAY
Fistly In some places of the world people used the clothing depending on the culture. For example, in some countries the women have to wearing long dresses and covered her faces, she doesn´t use Short skirts or neckline blouses. But at the present in other places of the people use diferent styles depending each person`s likes and the personality probably the people who saw very informally is because to facilitate the things or possible they like feel comfortable.
Secondly globalization in some places of the world has had influence in the changes the customs of the people as a result fast food, buildings, Mc Donals. The mode also meets affected because the colombian often use jeans, Slippers and T-shirts., in addition the people with the mass media or computers can see and adapt news customs this technologies contribute to copy the ways to dressing.
Finally, is very common to see people with news clothing or new mode create by them depending their thought or convictions, as a result the mixture of cultures or the differents each person´s likes.
“Apache Tribe: The Apaches are one of about 500 aboriginal societies who once occupied North America. They have a four-day rite of puberty -- the Apache Sunrise Ceremony, called "na'ii'ees." It " one of the most important events in an Apache female's life." In an act of unusual bigotry and religious intolerance, the U.S. government banned this and other ceremonies in the early 1900s. It was only decriminalized in 1978 when the American Indian Religious Freedom Act was signed into law. The ritual " intended to imbue the girls with the spirit and characteristics of White Painted Woman, the Apache culture's first woman - also called Esdzanadehe or Changing Woman. The girls' skin is painted and covered with a sacred mixture of pollen and clay, which they must not wash off during the entire ceremony." The ritual itself is physically demanding. The girls have to pray, dance for hours, sit with their backs straight, and perform other physically draining activities. They are given instruction in sexuality, self-esteem, dignity, confidence, and healing ability. They are told to pray towards the east at dawn and in the four cardinal directions, which represent the four stages of life”[1].
“Customs and Religion.
In traditional Apache culture, women gathered food, wood, and water, while men went out to hunt and raid. Most family units lived in wickiups—dome-shaped brush huts erected by the women—or in buffalo-hide tepees. Western Apache tribes were matrilineal; others apparently traced their descent through both parents. Polygamy was practiced when economic circumstances permitted; marriage could be terminated easily by either party. Religion was a fundamental part of Apache life. Among the best-known supernatural beings were the ga'ns, protective mountain spirits represented in religious rites such as the girls' puberty ceremony, still performed by Western Apaches.
In 1990 individuals claiming to be of Apache descent numbered 50,051 with many living on Indian reservations in Arizona and New Mexico. Farming, cattle herding, and tourist-related businesses are important economically; nevertheless, unemployment is high. Present-day culture is a mixture of traditional Apache beliefs, such as witchcraft, and contemporary U.S. elements” [2]
“Men's Traditional Dance: Danced with exaggerated movement above the waist to simulate hunting, tracking or fighting but heavy, grounded, flat-footed lower body, this dance originated with members of warrior societies on the Great Plains. Costume includes an eagle feather bustle and hair roach made of porcupine quills. While many tribal gatherings today work to join and unite tribes from across the continent, homogenizing some of the dances to suit all, Men's Traditional dance remains tribe specific in terms of style and dress.
Women's Traditional Dance: This dance is extremely reserved in nature, simply a single or double step done in a circle. Sometimes an up and down movement is done while standing in place. Costume for Women's Traditional also remains tribal specific, sometimes with elaborate beadwork on long buckskin or trade cloth dresses”[3].
The tradition and celebration of cultural behaviors is very important to the White Mountain Apache tribe. For example, when a girl reaches a time of her life known as "The Changing Woman", she goes through a phase of her first menstrual cycle. As a result, she is given a ceremonial dance that includes spiritual gifts and blessing as she enters womanhood. This ceremony is called "The Sunrise Dance". This traditional dance is still performed today, but is declining. The dance lasts four days, in which, it will test and provide her endurance. During the ceremony, the girl is believed to possess the power to heal. Furthermore, she is given sacred tools such as an eagle feather, an abalone shell, and a cane (to name just a few) that will protect and guide her throughout her adult life. In the next passages, I will discuss my personal experience and beliefs in this particular ceremony and how the people of the White Mountain tribe feel about the Sunrise Dance.
The tradition of the White Mountain Apache tribe is passed down from generation to generation. One traditional celebration is when a girl experiences her first menstrual cycle. This celebration is a ceremony called "The Sunrise Dance". It exemplifies the understanding of our Apache beliefs. The ceremony signifies a girl entering womanhood.
The Sunrise dance is performed on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation. However, it is decreasing, due to the introduction of the Christian religion that has changed some of the Apache's beliefs. 'in the Apache culture, ceremony or ritual symbolizes significant events or items. When a girl has her first menstrual cycle , she is changing from a girl into a woman. I feel the Sunrise dance is a very important part of an Apache girl's life because each stage of the dance is a learning experience. In the beginning of each stage of the dance, the girl is molded into a new woman.
The decision to have a Sunrise Dance for a girl is not made hastily. It comes from the traditional values and beliefs of the girl's family. The Apache family believes that the girl who performs the dance will be provided with special blessings. The family will support and encouraged the girl while she is performing the dance. By participating in the dance, the girl will keep the tradition alive. The decision to have the dance is not an easy task because of the financial expense, the preparation, the responsibilities, and the support of the kinship.
The next step after agreeing to have a Sunrise Dance, is the selection of god parent The godmother should be someone who will be an example and provide wisdom for the girl to follow in life. In addition, the godparent should be spiritually strong in the Apache way. When the selection has been made, the next step is to ask the god parents if they will accept the responsibilities of being traditional god parents to the special girl. Furthermore, I feel it is important for the chosen couple to have accomplished a lot of things already in their lives. Because the Sunrise dance takes place only during the summer season, it must be planned a year in advance. During the winter, the girl's parents would ask the god parents to sponsor the dance, which will be performed during the summer. Because the element of surprise is important, the request is made in the morning hours before the sun rises (3, 4, 5 a.m.). This is an important part. Since the parents of the child want the god parents to say yes, they give them no warning. On the chosen morning before they go to the future god parents, the family of the girl loads their vehicle with food and drinks to offer the couple to persuade them to accept. In addition, an eagle feather with a turquoise stone is given to the couple in appreciation of their acceptance.
Family Life
Apache family life was close knit, and families tended to live together. Since Apaches are matrilineal—where descent is traced through one’s mother—the local group was typically an extended family where the fathers had married daughters or granddaughters of a woman, with each married couple keeping their own residence. Mothers and daughters were quite close, and much of their work (collecting, cooking, caring for children, etc.) was done together, further binding them during their lifetimes. Grandparents were often teachers of the young, teaching them skills and disciplining them to respect the customs and behavior of the group. Children of the same sex within the extended family were taught to cooperate, become close friends, and refrain from rivalry. Grandparents also taught the children that men married into the family protected their wife’s family, provided food for them, and obeyed them.
Typically, one man among the various extended families was perceived as the leader of the overall group. His leadership was based on his power to persuade the others to follow his directions. Individual families and/or persons were free to make up their own minds or to leave the group at will. Father Jimenez, a priest with many years working with other native peoples, was struck by the Lipan Apache when he labored at Mission San Lorenzo de Santa Cruz. He found them to be a proud people of great courage.
Daily or seasonal tasks carried out by the families were jointly shared among both men and women, although some tasks were more frequently carried out by one or the other. Collecting nuts or vegetables (such as agave) was usually undertaken by women. While men were the principal hunters and made most weaponry and horse trappings, women (particularly the Lipan women) participated in rabbit and antelope hunting. Women made baskets and tanned animal hides for making tipis and clothing, but men were known to repair or make clothing, especially if it was an item they would use.
Cod:2004 10831
Shakira and Michael Jackson
They are two very famous music stars who are very well known all around the world. Although they are very good professionals and are the representatives of a generation, they have different styles. While Shakira sings pop music in Spanish and has recorded in some other languages, Michael Jackson sings only in English. However, Shakira has some good songs in English too, and these songs have been at the top of most important American Music Lists.
Neither Shakira nor Michael Jackson live in Colombia, but both live in the United States. Although he has more money than Shakira and has had the greatest records in sales and popularity, she spends her money better than him, by giving it to charity organizations in Colombia and internationally.
Both have sold large quantities of records but she is still producing songs and records in different languages like English and Portuguese while he has already retired. Also, he has a lot of legal problems with his ex-wives. In contrast, Shakira helps poor people in many countries of the world and is always supporting international organizations.
Both music stars have big fan clubs with many fans in different countries, but neither Shakira nor Michael Jackson can imagine the number of people in these clubs. In some countries there are more than twenty fan clubs with people who love their music and who like going to their concerts.
Michael Jackson has famous sisters and brothers, like Janeth Jackson and La Toya Jackson. They are also singers, but less famous than Michael. In contrast, Shakira’s family is not famous and live a normal life in Colombia and in The USA.
Although Michael married Elvis Presley’s daughter and has married again, he is single at the moment. In contrast, Shakira has never married but she has plans to do it with his boyfriend Antonio De La Rua.
Although Michael Jackson has two sons, they do not live with him. On the contrary, Shakira does not have any children, but she would love to have them when she marries.
As a conclusion of these descriptions, I would like to say that I like both but I prefer Shakira, her life and music because she is more modern at this moment, because she has a life without any big problems as Michael Jackson, and the most important: BECAUSE SHE IS THE BEST REPRESENTATIVE OF COLOMBIA IN THE WORLD.
Two famous presidents
There were two famous people in the United States they were president the United States in different years each one help to development of United States the different form. They are Kennedy and Carter.
Both was the president the United States Carter was born in 1924 while Kennedy was born in 1917, Kennedy was the most younger president in the history. Carter born in Georgia while Carter born in Massachussets. Kennedy established arms control and Carter negotiated a peace between Israel and Egypt. Although Carter received the prize nobel of the peace. On the contrary Kennedy was revolucionary for this reason he was Commander in the second world war.
Both were democrats however both created different programs to work in the United States. Carter worked with the poor people on contrast Kennedy worked in the education. Neither kennedy nor Carter created programs for the improvement of the health.
Both had blue eyes and blond hair. However Kennedy was taller than Carter. Carter liked the children and Kennedy too.
As a conclusion Kennedy and Carter worked for their country but they had different programs and knowledge to help their country because they made programs in agreement to their points of view. They come the diferent family with different costumes.
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